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Who We Are

Our History

Timeless Publications was borne both out of frustration and a vision as to how things could be done differently. Not all publications are good even from the best of publishing houses, that is just how things are. However, unless you are destined to sell thousands of copies of your book many traditional publishing houses will not invest their time and effort into your publication and lets be honest, who can blame them. Nevertheless, it is our experience that many great works remained embedded on the hard disk of a computer and will never even be read by friends or families. In 2016 Timeless Publications thought things could be different. 

Frustrated at the demands of profit margins and alarmed by the lack of accountability of the self-publishing market we decided to make a difference. We wanted to avoid vanity publishers, many of whom seemed to charge a fortune for what cost markedly less. Nevertheless, provide for self-publishers a level of accountability and affordability that would allow their great books to come to the market place and so far we have been able to provide that. Secondly, we do so to support Christian mission so far raising just over £3000 for many worthwhile projects. In 2022 we became the publishing house for Timeless Theological Academy which we believe will become a wonderful partnership.

Business Strategy

During the last few months are business strategy has been developing to keep pace with the changes that we have undergone.

One of the benefits of coming down to the premises of TTA when it is open is that you can not only purchase our books but new and second hand books as well. If you become a library member £20 per year you will also receive 20% discount of all our books and any new ones  from the CLC catalogue that you purchase (including the latest titles) on a group order.

We are a volunteer organisation and like everything there are costs involved with printing and theological education. If you would like to support us in some small way, we would be delighted to receive your help.

Our library and second hand bookstore benefits from those who may wish to contribute books. If this is something that you could do, please make contact with Joe Boyd.

Our Team

Alistair Bates

Alistair is a minister at Wellington Presbyterian, lecturer at TTA and founder of Timeless Publications. He loves books and wants others to enjoy reading them too.

Joe Boyd

Publications and Promotions Officer at Timeless Theological Academy, Joe brings many years experience as a journalist, broadcaster and author.

Erin Brown

Erin is a full-time editor at the PEN Institute, not only has she worked in the book retail sector but editing many of the publications associated with Timeless Publications.

Jayne Dunlop

Jayne is a former university librarian and radio broadcaster with a love of all things books. Jayne, edits, audits and performs many helpful book reviews.