Wounded Not Wasted: Healing Through Acceptance

The Allison Minford Story

The noise from the bin lorry outside told me that it was a Wednesday morning as my eyes opened and I got up to go to work. Everything was normal. I waved my children ‘goodbye’ and went to put ‘the face on.’  Just then, I felt a burning sensation in my back. Confused as to what could be wrong with me. I went into my bedroom and lay down.

“Get up, you’re a lazy sod. There is nothing wrong with you, get up, get ready for work and go”, I told myself as I struggled back into the bathroom. My legs would not work; they just would not go. I sat down on the floor putting my back against the cold tiled wall because I felt so much heat in my back.

Several minutes later after I had managed to crawl back into the bedroom I rang my husband, Jackson, at work: “Can you come home, please? I am not feeling very well so please come home,” I begged earnestly…